Attorney in El Dorado Arkansas

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Arrested for DWI in El Dorado, Camden, Magnolia, Hampton Arkansas?

WARNING: If you have been arrested for DWI in Arkansas your drivers license will be automatically suspended. Take immediate action!

Getting a DWI in Arkansas can be a very intimating event. Going through the court process with a DWI or Drunk Driving Arrest can extremely stressful and scary, not to mention costly.

You will need a qualified DWI attorney who knows the DWI laws in Arkansas.

 Gary McDonald knows the law and is Experienced

  •  Dozens of Jury Trials
  • More than 100 DWI trials
  • Hundreds of DWI Clients represented
  • Thousands of hours spent in courtroom   

If you have been charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in the State of Arkansas, you are facing potential fines, jail time, community service, permanent damage to your record, loss of liability insurance and a loss of driving privileges.

You need the services of a well-qualified DWI defense lawyer.  Police Officers and Prosecuting Attorneys will be trying to convince a Judge to assess driver’s license suspensions, heavy fines, court costs and jail sentences against you.

Call Gary McDonald at 870 862-1498!